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Your search for 529 in building id resulted in 1 possible matches.

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Life Sciences Centre

2350 Health Sciences Mall
V6T 1Z3

- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [D] [W]
- Building Operations [D] [W]
- Cellular and Physiological Sciences [D] [W]
- Centre for Blood Research [D] [W]
- Centre for Disease Modeling [D] [W]
- Facility for Infectious Disease and Epidemic Research [D] [W]
- Faculty of Medicine [D] [W]
- Faculty of Science [D] [W]
- Food Services [D] [W]
- Life Sciences Institute [D] [W]
- Medical Genetics [D] [W]
- Microbiology and Immunology [D] [W]
- Zoology [D] [W]

Life Sciences Centre

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a place of mind, The Univeristy of British Columbia


Campus & Community Planning
2210 West Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
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